27 Sep 2013
27 Sep 1983
About Tizwoz Solutions

Tizwoz has over 30 years' troubleshooting experience, providing IT and administrative support in the City of London since 1979.  In 1999, Tizwoz Solutions was formed as a UK Partnership providing:

Freelance Administrative Services and IT Hardware & Software solutions

Although a well established and highly respected computer consultancy in the UK, with a coveted reputation as a trusted and reliable IT resource
gained solely by word-of-mouth recommendation, in 2006 Tizwoz Solutions relocated operations to the sun of the "Simply Beautiful" island of Saint Lucia.  Click here also to see why!

Relocation enhanced our Virtual Assistant Services with new clients, some as far afield as Australia,
VA being a highly cost-effective way to help run the essential administrative functions of a business. 

Tizwoz Solutions continues to provide its wide-range of expertise in a personal, uncom­pro­misingly ethical, and wholly professional service across a broad spectrum of today’s hardware and software technologies.  As ever, we undertake every task with genuine enthusiasm and pride in our integrity, professionalism, and reliability.  Put simply, we love what we do, and we do it really well!

We are passionate advocates of the Free Software Foundation (FSF), the Open Source Communities, and Linux Operating Systems, which are open source, highly secure, and ethically sound.  In the UK, we supplied several corporate and public concerns with Linux Servers, which required very little maintenance;  they are proven to be rock-solid and dependable workhorses, running inconspicuously in the background.  Even huge corporations such as Google run on Linux Servers for that reason - and here's another fascinating fact:  did you know that Apple Mac Operating Systems (OS X for example) are based on the free Unix Operating System?

As part of our philosophy to promote free and open source options,
Tizwoz Solutions saves you money by researching and supplying freeware or open source solutions for your specific needs.  If, however, a proprietary product is the only feasible answer, we supply it at cost.  The only charge is for our time.
Administration and work-flow management services;
DTP and publishing solutions;
Software support and computer training;
Hardware repairs and bespoke systems supply;
Wired and wireless networks, including (in association with Navigator Systems for Suffolk Online) a Government-sponsored local community wireless internet provision between church spires over 160² miles;
Data and network solutions on Windows and Linux platforms to local government concerns, businesses, and private clients.
Definition of "IT" in Wikipedia:
Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware." [
The ITAA is now TechAmerica.org.
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to discuss your requirements.  Don't be "in a tizzy" - contact Tizwoz Solutions!       E&OE
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